Ugh. Depression. You probably don’t need a psychologist to tell you what depression is.  


Have you been experiencing anything like this?

  • Feeling more or less tired

  • Feeling “depressed”

  • Feeling more active or fidgety, or less active and more still than usual

  • Having trouble sleeping

  • Not enjoying things you used to enjoy

  • Not wanting to be around other people

  • Changes in weight that aren’t related to physical exercise

  • Noticeably increased or decreased desire to eat

  • Thinking more about death or even considering killing yourself

  • Not feeling like yourself

  • Feeling like you’re looking at the world through a “dirty window”

If any of these seem like they describe what you’ve been feeling like lately, you might be experiencing depression.  Signs of depression are legitimate and should be taken seriously.

The good news?

Many of our clients experience depressive symptoms, and depression is one of the main reasons people seek counseling. When therapists are in training, it’s one of the first areas we study. As a result, your therapist at True North is well-versed in helping people with depression and has various methods for helping you to learn more about what role depression plays in your life. There are ways to feel better. Our motto at True North is—"Feeling better is just the beginning.” We want you to not only learn skills for recognizing signs of depression and managing depression, but also find ways to add positive and meaningful moments to your life. Just being “undepressed” after counseling isn’t good enough for us. Your therapist will help you develop a vision for your life and learn ways to gradually turn that vision into reality.

Give us a call , and get connected with an expert in depression counseling in Lexington, KY who can help provide you with a toolbox of methods to effectively manage those negative signs of depression while we support and encourage you on your path to a fulfilling and enjoyable life.



True North depression therapists in Lexington, KY: